screen capture tool greenshot
screen capture tool greenshot

Greenshot-afreescreenshottooloptimizedforproductivity.,Greenshotisalight-weightscreenshotsoftwaretoolforWindowswiththefollowingkeyfeatures:Quicklycreatescreenshotsofaselectedregion,windowor ...,Greenshotisalight-weightopen-sourcescreenshottooltha...

Screenshots:Greenshot (Unofficial)

Greenshotallowsyoutotakescreenshotsinmultiplewaysandautomaticallysavethemwhereyouwant.NotonlycanitbesavedonyourPC,butitalsolets ...

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Greenshot - a free screenshot tool optimized for productivity.


Greenshot is a light-weight screenshot software tool for Windows with the following key features: Quickly create screenshots of a selected region, window or ...


Greenshot is a light-weight open-source screenshot tool that allows users to capture fully or a selection of your window. More than that, it supports the ...

Greenshot download

2020年8月12日 — Greenshot is the most awesome tool for making screenshots you can get on your Windows PC. Get it now! Greenshot is a light-weight screenshot ...

GreenShot for Windows

Greenshot is a light-weight screenshot software tool for Windows with the following key features: quickly create screenshots of a selected region, window or ...

Greenshot allows you to make and to edit screenshots simply. The application allows to 'capture' window, a portion of the screen or the entire screen.


Greenshot - a free screenshot tool optimized for productivity.


Greenshot - a free screenshot tool optimized for productivity.

Screenshots:Greenshot (Unofficial)

Greenshot allows you to take screenshots in multiple ways and automatically save them where you want. Not only can it be saved on your PC, but it also lets ...


Greenshot-afreescreenshottooloptimizedforproductivity.,Greenshotisalight-weightscreenshotsoftwaretoolforWindowswiththefollowingkeyfeatures:Quicklycreatescreenshotsofaselectedregion,windowor ...,Greenshotisalight-weightopen-sourcescreenshottoolthatallowsuserstocapturefullyoraselectionofyourwindow.Morethanthat,itsupportsthe ...,2020年8月12日—Greenshotisthemostawesometoolformakingscreenshotsyouca...

Greenshot 具有編輯功能的螢幕擷圖工具

Greenshot 具有編輯功能的螢幕擷圖工具
